Saturday, June 28, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008


Today I want to show you three amazing bands (and songs, of course) which I have recently discovered.. And yes, their MySpace profiles HAVE to be seen.


First, the Fleet Foxes. The Fleet Foxes are 5 guys from Seattle, who just do what they like most: singing. Their music has influences such as baroque music and fantasy films' music.

What I think is amazing about them is that they seem to be both a new band and a 50years old one, so they have new sounds but not only.

The second band is Cut Copy, a band of three. They have a bit of French new wave influences and they also seem a bit disco and glam to me.

Aaand last but not least, a band I really like because they sound somewhat like Depeche Mode, especially the lead singer's voice, which makes me thing of David Gahan, is The Presets!

Hope you guys like them! :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Agyness Deyn & Five O'clock Heroes _ Who

Cu alte cuvinte, nu ma simt cine stie ce de bine.

Monday, June 9, 2008


M-am saturat sa fim toti "vintage, cool si deep" (observati ghilimelele).

eu nu sunt deep, cool sau vintage.

Deranjeaza pe cineva? Mhm. Nu ma intereseaza.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Eu nu sunt o persoana rea. Niciodata nu ma supar cand sunt calcata pe picioare in masina; chiar zambesc si arunc cate un "nu-i nimic". Nu ma supar cand se baga altii in fata mea la cozi. Nu ma port urat nici cu cei care striga "pis-pis" dupa mine.

Incerc chiar sa nu vorbesc urat. Incerc sa nu judec lumea foarte mult. Incerc sa imi fac temele si sa fiu atenta. Incerc sa-mi pese.

Nu ma supar des. Nu ma cert des.

Nu scriu pe blog despre mine. Nu mint.
Sunt o persoana rea.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Some like it hot +++

Lovely movie. I think I'm starting to like Marilyn. A lot.


- Sugar what do you think you're doing?
- I told you, I'm not very bright.
- You don't want me, Sugar. I'm a liar and a phony. A saxophone player. One of those no good nicks you keep running away from.
- I know. Every time..
- Sugar, do yourself a favor. Go back to where the millionaires are. The sweet end of the lollipop, not the coleslaw in the face, the old socks and the squeezed-out tube of toothpaste.
- That's right. Pour it on. Talk me out of it..


This is just the beginning (well, actually it's the ending) but you got to see it.
Tell me what you think.

What else?.. Oh yeah..
Wait for Sugar!

+++ Coldplay's new album, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends will be released soon (12th june) but I got to listen to these two songs:

Violet Hill, perfect.

And, of course, Viva la Vida, for which I couldn't find a nice video so...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ma bucur

V-am zis vreodata cat ii urasc pe toti astia care se cred normali din simplul motiv ca merg mana-n mana cu o persoana de sex opus?

Asta e normalitate ma?
Asta credeti voi?

Ma indoiesc.

(Oricum o sa se termine lumea si o sa muriti toti.)

Deci va urasc, asta era ideea, in caz ca erati preocupati de normalitatea voastra si ati pierdut sirul.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

lu toidi

- Ma crezi poate nebun?
- Nu, dar dumneata...
- Indata, indata, taci, nu spune nimic; opreste-te... vreau sa ma uit in ochii d-tale... Stai asa, am sa te privesc, vreau sa-mi iau ramas bun de la un om.

there are no impossible dreams. there are no invisible seams.
each night when the day is through..
i don't ask much, i just want you.

there are no impossible dreams.
or at least that's how the song goes.

i have my doubts.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Asa. Am auzit azi la stiri o chestie foaaarte interesanta. Cica una de 12 s-a s-a aruncat de la etajul 10 fiindca era o povara si o parasise iubitul. Asa. Cum? Da. La 12 ani? Da.
Prietenii ei zic ca era emo. Emo la 12 ani? Da.
Si ce ma enerveaza pe mine? Chestia cu emo.
Emo? Da.

Sincer, "emo kids" nu sunt copii depresivi care se urasc si care evita contactul cu lumea exterioara. Chiar nu sunt. Copiii astia sunt narcisisti. Se iubesc (ei pe ei insisi. si intre ei, da). Si da, as putea jura ca toata ziua stau afara in cele mai "cool" locuri.

They're worshiped on hi5 for God's sake!

Deci gata? Da.
Sigur? Nu.
Am uitat de copilul de 13 ani care si-a injunghiat prietenul.

Is it just me or is the whole world going down?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Im bored

Alexandra se uita la One Three Hill si mie imi place Dr. House si.. Adriana e cu Grey's Anatomy si..
Si imi place si Prison Break adica... si OC...

Si nu stiu care e ideea.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Asta e Ozzy, fostul. Fostul caine, da.
Am fost azi sa-l vad. A fost cel mai dragut moment cred (besides pizza hut, i swear)..

Te iubesc Oz.
Chiar daca esti o matahala de caine si probabil ca nu ma mai tii minte.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ma gandesc ca eu niciodata nu am stiut ce vreau.
Ma gandesc ca deobicei sunt atrasa de persoane dificile si deobicei, de fapt hai sa zic mereu, renunt.

Si am mai zis asta. Stiu ca ma repet dar nu asta e ideea.

Ideea e, cum a zis alexandra, ca "nu suntem in sezonul 5 din one tree hill sa fim seriosi"...

eu nu scriu titlu cu majuscule.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cutia cu Imagini

Un peste fericit. That is.. a happy fish. (Am uitat de ce fericit si de ce peste, dar ideea e "peste fericit")

Ce vreau eu sa zic de fapt.. este ca trebuie, repet TREBUIE, sa vedeti asta:

Cutia cu Imagini

Tell me what you think.
I, for one, am a biiiiit disappointed..

Asta asa, ca suntem noi cul si am facut filmulet. B-).

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Julian Beever

These following 3D drawings are made on concrete canvas by this really cool guy in the third picture, Julian Beever. From other angles they look kinda strange but it doesn't really matter now, does it?

Anyway, I just wanted you to see them because i think they're amazing :)

Now this is what I call art...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I hope they cannot see...

...this endless potential

Monday, April 14, 2008


Am avut de-atatea ori ocazia.. Nu mi-au lipsit momentele, nu mi-a lipsit nici chiar starea.
As fi putut schimba totul, as fi realizat tot ce mi-am dorit, dar am renuntat mereu in clipele decisive.
Niciodata nu am dus nimic pana la capat. Niciodata nu duc nimic pana la capat.
Sunt fel si fel de sentimente care ma impiedica. Si, sincera sa fiu, nu vreau sa se termine. Toata asteptarea, toate golurile din stomac, toate durerile de cap si toate ceaiurile baute... Toate ironiile si toate subtilitatile. Toate zilele...

Ce pot sa fac?
Nu pot sa fac nimic, nu vreau sa fac nimic.
De ce as rezolva totul acum? De ce? De ce mi-as frange singura visul?
Asteptarea e mai blanda decat eventualul raspuns.

Nu sunt in stare de nimic.
Dar imi si place.
De mult nu am mai avut asa o stare. Se zbat in mine neincrederi, temeri si mici bucurii.
Cate contradictii, atatea sanse..

Si, sincera sa fiu, nu vreau sa se termine.. Nu vreau sa se termine.
Sunt putine momentele in care simt ca traiesc cu adevarat. Momente dupa care continuarea acestei supravietuiri paralizate pare aproape inutila.. Momente peste care nu pot sa trec.. Momente in care sunt atat de fericita si totusi atat de furioasa, atat de increzatoare si atat de speriata incat as putea la fel de bine sa nu mai fiu.

O ultima zvacnire a vietii in adevaratul sens al ei, urmata de existenta cea de toate zilele.
Si de ce.. De ce?

Maine iar murim..

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Why is it that we always make the wrong choice?
The wrong t-shirt, wrong lipstick, wrong guy, wrong drink...

I know mistakes humanize us but do we really have to go through all of these in order to be called human beings?
Because right now, i'm really good at messing things up which, i think, makes a hell of a human out of me.

So thank you, Sir, for making me so incredibly human.
If that's how you call those naive, insecure, basically stupid people nowadays.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

One more reason...

... to love coffee!!!

You can find this and more in Gloria Jean's.. They even make tiny bears and bunnies so... go for it!
And yes, I know I'm not the first to show you this but I thought there are still people who haven't seen it. Enjoy!

PS: I'm back!